Let’s face it -- how you feel “down there” is an important thing. After all, a girl’s gotta feel good about her nether regions.

In truth, no woman should ever feel bad about her lady parts. What other bodily region could deliver the miracle of life AND supercharged orgasms all in one perfectly designed package?

The thing is, many things can make that magical area taste and smell weird. That’s because foods and other lifestyle factors can directly transcend to the taste and smell of your sex organs.

Sound crazy? It isn’t.

“The foods we consume are digested by the body and carried through the bloodstream to various glands and tissues,” Dr. Barbara Bartlik told Glamour. “The smell and taste of food molecules we ingest can be released through the secretions produced by these glands and tissues, resulting in a noticeable difference in our body fragrance and flavor.”

This means that when it comes to all things romantic, you need to know just how your body is affected by what you consume. Check out these five things that wreak havoc on the taste and smell of your vagina -- and one fruit that can spice things up for the better. Your SO will thank you later.

1.            Asparagus

Have you ever had to tinkle after eating asparagus? Hello, funk!

While asparagus is one of the healthiest foods you can eat, it launches a full-out attack on the smell of your urine. This means it also can interfere with the general smell and taste of your vagina.

The real question is: Just why does this happen? It all comes down to how our bodies break down asparagus.

According to Smithsonian magazine, “When our bodies digest the vegetable, they break down this chemical into a group of related sulfur-containing compounds with long, complicated names (including dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl sulfone). As with many other substances that include sulfur -- such as garlic, skunk spray and odorized natural gas -- these sulfur-containing molecules convey a powerful, typically unpleasant scent.”

To put it simply, asparagus is a no-no when it comes to oral sex. As Dr. Deb Laino perfectly notes, “You ARE what you eat! The best example of this is when a woman eats asparagus. Not only does the urine smell but the vagina gets a smell that is not so sexy.”

So steer clear of asparagus before date nights. Save this veggie treat for less romantic evenings. Your sex life will thank you.

2.            Onions and Garlic

How can you not love onions and garlic? These potent foods can spice up just about any meal. Unfortunately, this potency transcends to the vaginal region in the way of taste and smell.

In truth, garlic and onions are a sex life killer. After all, no one wants to get a whiff of anything so strong it’s a turn-off. The term “garlic breath” was invented for a reason.

Here’s the thing: It’s darn near impossible to mask the scent of these powerful foods. In other words, if you think your SO won’t notice the effects of onion and garlic, you’d better think again. He or she will.

Case in point…one man wrote to Health Central saying “My wife's vagina occasionally smells like onions or garlic. Can eating certain foods affect the smell of a woman's genitals?”

Yikes! One word describes this scenario: embarrassing.

So call it quits on the garlic and onions a couple days before oral sex. Don’t worry. You can spice up your meal some other day. Just save it for the days you don’t plan to get your freak on.

3.            Alcohol

There’s nothing that makes you feel more confident about oral sex than a stiff drink (no pun intended). However, a cool cocktail concoction might not be the best idea when it comes to oral sex.

Experts agree with this truthful concept. “Alcohol, which for many is a way to lose our inhibitions in the sack, can also change the flavor of a vagina for the worse,” says sex author Dr. Lauren Streicher in an article published on You Beauty.

While this is a total bummer, it’s something to be aware of. If you do want to have a few, stick with fruity cocktails.

4.            Smoking

In the past, the movies have tried to make smoking look sexy – and there's always the stereotypical post-coitus smoke. But smoking doesn’t come without consequences “down there.”

As Elite Daily comically puts it, “Something’s smoking, and it’s your vagina.” There’s more than a little truth to this statement.

As a general rule of thumb, if something gives you bad breath, chances are, it will affect every part of your body. Think of all the carcinogens you inhale when you smoke. It’s no wonder your honey pot smells like an ashtray.

So watch it with the cigarettes. We know it isn’t easy to quit, but maybe this can serve as a pretty sexy motivator.

5.            Bacterial Vaginosis

In truth, your vagina has scientific needs. It likes to be maintained quite precisely -- especially when it comes to pH levels.

You see, an important part of vaginal health is based around pH levels in general. That’s your vagina’s natural acidity level.

As The Dr. Oz Show points out, “A vaginal pH of 3.5 - 4.5 indicates that there is a perfect amount of good bacteria (lactobacilli), and no overgrowth of the bad bacteria that can cause odor, irritation and sometimes infection.”

So just how does this concept apply to the taste and smell of your vajayjay?

Unbalanced pH levels can be a sign of bacterial vaginosis (BV). And this can make your vagina taste and smell weird. In fact, that stereotypical "fishy smell" isn't normal – it's a strong indicator of a bacterial vaginosis infection.

The good news is that BV is easily treatable. With a simple visit to the gyno, appropriate medications can be prescribed that will fix this common issue.

Ok, now that we’ve got the stinky stuff out of the way, let’s talk about one food that can actually improve your sex life. (Yes, there is one food that can make your SO say “wow!”)

If you like pineapple, you’re in luck. This tasty fruit gets a double yes when it comes to oral sex.

That’s because the sweet scent of pineapple directly affects the way you taste. Women have even tested this concept out. And in many cases, the results have been delicious.

So next time you’re at the grocery store, make a stop in the pineapple aisle. Fresh fruit or juice will do it. Diving into this tasty treat just might make your SO want to dive in, too.