In the day and age of everything green, can this concept extend to “that time of the month?” 

Surprisingly, the answer is a definite yes. There are lots greener options on the market. And many women swear by them, vowing that change was the best thing that ever happened to Aunt Flo. 

Here are five accessories that can help you have a better, greener period. And one is even disposable. Happy shopping! 

  1. Menstrual Cups

  2. The first option for a better, greener period is a little contraption called a menstrual cup. While this may sound rather gross, some people swear by them.

    Well-known blogger Wellness Mama is just one of the many lovers of this easy option. And while she freely admits that she was initially put off by the idea, she is now a huge fan of the change. In fact, she declares herself a true convert. 

    “A menstrual cup is exactly what it sounds like -- a reusable, soft-sided cup that fits inside the vagina to collect menstrual flow,” she says.“It is reusable, leak-proof (in my experience) and much more comfortable than regular tampons.”

    She raves about only needing to change her Diva Cup once daily during non-heavy flow days. Plus, she says it isn’t uncomfortable at all. However, she does warn that you may need to turn it inside out to avoid leaks and discomfort. This tip, given to her by a midwife, is one that she stresses. 

    And best of all, Wellness Mama says that you can reuse a menstrual cup after washing it and can wear it safely for up to two years. Just know that there are two sizes of Diva Cups available -- size 1 for before you have a child and size 2 for after childbirth or women past the age of 30. 

    And if you’re anti-silicone, she suggests trying a natural rubber menstrual cup. She recommends the Keeper in this respect. 
  1. Period Undies

  2. Who said period panties had to be ugly? According to Bustle, there’s a great brand of period panties available called Thinx. Not only are they made to keep frustrating stains away, but they also hold your flow. In fact, Bustle says they can carry the equivalent of two tampon collections of blood. 

    When it comes to Thinx, can choose from high waist to hip hugger to boy short panties. And if you’re really daring, you can try thong or cheeky panties on lighter days. The company recommends testing products to see if you need tampons or menstrual cups in addition to these unique panties. 

  3. Reusable Pads

  4. Reusable pads? Yes. According to Tree Hugger, reusable pads are a great alternative to disposable pads. Women are said to go through up to 16,800 pads and tampons over the course of a menstrual life. This adds to unnecessary garbage pileup in landfills. 

    Tree Hugger says that one important reason to make this switch is that reusable pads can actually lessen cramps, infections and even skin rashes. They attribute this to the plastics and chemicals used in traditional pads. These ingredients prevent air from circulating, which can lead to a rash. Plus, the synthetic fibers used in traditional pads can wick moisture from your nether region, which adds to the risk of both pain and infection. In fact, the author says that due to the switch, her cramps have vanished. 

    Tree Hugger claims reusable pads are better for health in general because pesticides and herbicides associated with cotton are eliminated. Plus, you’re losing the plastic and chemical factor. And best of all, reusable pads can cut costs.

    But what about the dirty factor? After all, reusable pads would seem rather unhygienic at first glance. Fear not. Tree Hugger says that lots of reusable options offer a liner that can be removed and washed. Further, waterproof linings are said to be added to prevent leakage. 

    To clean this option, all you have to do is soak panties overnight and then wash them in hot water in the washing machine. And Tree Hugger suggests adding hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil for an extra-clean result. 
  1. Reusable Tampons

  2. This option is definitely one for the books. According to Bustle, there are washable tampons on the market. Bustle says that these are usually made by way of crocheting, knitting or sewing tampons from cotton. They say that you can even create your own reusable tampons by following a pattern, adding that these options can rival the absorbency of traditional tampons. So if you’re artistic, give making your own tampons a try. 

  3. Disposable Green Period Products 

  4. If these options don’t appeal to you, you can also purchase greener period products that can be pitched after use. Nifty, huh?

    According to Naturally Savvy, a lot of women are put off by the thought of disposing of menstrual blood in menstrual cups or cleaning reusable pads. So an alternative to this would be disposable products created with the environment in mind. 

    These options are few and far between, but they do exist. For example, Naturally Savvy says that Natracare is handy in this respect. This company provides natural and organic products like pads, pantyliners and tampons. And they are said to be environmentally friendly in that they are both biodegradable and compostable. 

    These products can be purchased at Whole Foods, Fred Meyer and other stores. Plus, they can be purchased online at CVS, Amazon, iHerb and

    Natracare says that there are a number of ways that you can make your period healthier. The first is to take the time to sift through packaging included in tampons and pads to see which types of ingredients are used to make products. 

    Further, steer clear of tampons that are made from rayon and viscose as well as pads that are loaded with plastics. Natracare says to beware of the term “cotton-like” because it can signify the use of synthetic materials.

    Finally, choose organic cotton tampons as well as pads that are free of both plastic and chemicals. This is said to reduce your risk of allergic reaction as a result of these ingredients and why Natracare says that your best bet in the way of health is natural options.
Have a great period -- no matter what products you choose!