Anxiety is an insidious condition. While a serious, sometimes debilitating disease, only about one-third of the more than 40 million Americans who suffer from it will seek treatment. Those who don’t will face a range of challenges, from loss of sleep and headaches to decreased productivity at work and interference with personal lives.

Anxiety may be genetic, or gender-related, or it may be brought on by one or a series of life events. Whatever the cause, this condition is highly treatable, and there are a number of lifestyle choices that we can make that will influence whether our anxiety is lessened or exacerbated.

While a doctor will be able to help you develop a roadmap that will ease your specific anxiety triggers, here are five daily activities that are making your anxiety worse, and what you can do about them:

Skipping Meals

Most people who suffer from anxiety disorders skip breakfast - further proof that this is the most important meal of the day. However, whether you’re skipping breakfast, lunch, or dinner, missing meals will impact your blood sugar level, causing dips that can cause abrupt mood changes (think about how grumpy and fussy babies and children become when they get hungry).

If you’re someone who is struggling with anxiety, you should avoid skipping meals. Instead of opting for three large or heavy meals (especially those consisting of junk food or processed foods which will send your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster), opt for five, smaller meals throughout the day. You will also want to choose your meals carefully, because what you’re eating may be impacting your mood more than you realize…

Poor Diet Choices

Crazy schedules and heavy workloads make eating healthy, nutritious meals a challenge. It may sometimes seem easier to hit a drive-thru on your way home from your child’s last extracurricular activity or lesson for the day than to stop at the grocery store, head home, and squeeze in time for a meal.

However, the foods you’re eating are impacting your mood, and making your anxiety worse. This leads to diminished productivity and causes you to get farther behind than if you’d opted for a healthier choice in the first place.

And if you are tempted to end your evening with a glass (or two) of wine, you may find that you’ll wake up feeling more anxious the following morning or when that temporary buzz and feeling of relaxation wears off.

The same goes for people who try to give themselves an extra boost with caffeine - whether in the form of a latte or a five-hour energy drink or shot. Because you aren’t giving your body the rest it needs to rejuvenate itself (your body is telling you to slow down for a reason, after all), you’ll find yourself feeling more worn out, more irritable, and yes, more anxious.

If you suffer from anxiety, try to avoid processed, sugary foods. Limit or cut out alcohol and caffeinated beverages, especially late at night when it will affect your ability to sleep, or the quality of sleep that you get. Instead, choose healthy meals and snacks that are made from whole grains, complex carbs, and high-protein options.


Stress and anxiety almost always go hand in hand. If you’re stressed out -- because of work, finances, home situations, or family -- you are also likely to pick up other behaviors that will make your anxiety worse.

These unhealthy habits include drinking heavily, smoking, or using recreational or prescription drugs (for off label uses). This can lead to a vicious cycle - where your stress level rises when your anxiety attacks begin or when your substance of choice wears off (such as needing a cigarette or craving a drink), and you in turn have a greater need for those substances to ease your level of stress.

If you’re going through a rough period at work or home, try to find a healthy outlet for your frustrations. Even spending 15 minutes a day exercising, or 30 minutes reading a book or going for a walk in the park can help ease stress in a healthy way, which can lower your stress level.

If you find that you are having a hard time shaking your stress and anxiety, talk to a doctor or counselor. Anxiety disorders typically respond very well to treatment, and you may find that you are the biggest hurdle standing between you and an angst-free life.

Drinking When Thirsty

This may come as a surprise, but by the time your body is signaling you that you are thirsty, you’re already dehydrated enough where your body isn’t performing at its optimal level. Even more significantly, even mild dehydration is enough to bring on a bout of anxiety.

Instead of waiting until your body signals thirst to take a drink, make sure that you’re drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day - especially if you’ve been exerting yourself or if the weather is particularly hot, where you’ll be losing more body fluids.

And instead of choosing sugary beverages or caffeinated drinks, which can add to dehydration and/or affect your blood sugar levels, choose water or sports drinks, which will keep you hydrated and your body’s needs in balance.

Weight Loss Supplements

If you are looking for a little extra boost to get your body bikini ready, you may want to steer away from the supplements. Peruse the label and you'll see that many contain ingredients that have surprising side effects, including some that trigger anxiety attacks.

For example, St. John’s wort can lead to insomnia, which will cause the body to feel run down. Green tea extracts and guarana are highly caffeinated - which can cause dehydration, interfere with sleep, and increase heart rate. And speaking of heart rate, any product that contains ephedra will likely get your heart racing, which can trigger an anxiety attack.

If you’re trying to lose weight, stick to the tried-and-true method of eating well and exercising regularly. Exercise releases the feel-good chemical serotonin, which will help ease your anxiety and boost your overall health. Bottom line -- you'll be on your way to beating the blues.

If you feel like you want to take a weight loss supplement, talk to your doctor about what options would be best for you, and rule out any supplements that leave you feeling jittery or unsettled.

At the end of the day, avoiding these five anxiety triggers will help you achieve that peaceful, easy feeling.