Vanilla Bean Popcorn

Craving sweet or salty? You don't have to decide when you whip up a healthy, tasty snack the whole family will love! Pop to it!

Vanilla Bean Popcorn


For 0015 Serving(s)


  • 1/4 cup(s) corn oil
  • 1/2 vanilla bean pod, split lengthwise
  • 12 tablespoon(s) popcorn kernels, unpopped
  • 3 teaspoon(s) granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon(s) salt, to taste
  • 2 tablespoon(s) light butter


    1. In a large pot over medium heat warm corn oil. Add one kernel of popcorn to the oil, once it pops, add remaining popcorn kernels and vanilla bean.
    2. Cover pot and gently shake until popping beginning. Once the popping stops shake vigorously until all the kernels are done popping.
    3. Remove from heat and add popcorn to a large bowl. Remove vanilla from pot and scrape into a small bowl with sugar and mix well.
    4. Pour melted butter, salt, and vanilla sugar mix over the popcorn and stir to blend evenly. 
    5. Serve and enjoy!